what is a macro influencer and how can brands work with them?
Out of the six types of influencers, macro influencers are the second largest group in terms of follower count. Integrating them into your influencer marketing strategy is a smart decision if your goal is reach and awareness.
Macro influencer definition and follower count
Macro influencers have 500,000 to 1 million followers on popular social media sites like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. While they focus on one platform, they likely have a following across a few of them.
Because they're so experienced, their content is often high quality, professional, and beautiful. This might position them as celebrities instead of relatable, real people, causing a disconnect between them and their followers.
How much money do macro influencers make?
Rates that macro influencers make per post vary. These dependencies include platform, follower count, experience level, and more. Perhaps the most important factor is engagement rate!
Social media engagement rates include interactions with the posts, like reactions, comments and video views, per follower. Hootsuite says that a great engagement rate is above 4.5% on TikTok and above 2% for other channels.
Instagram rates
The rule of thumb for Instagram influencer rates is $100 per 1,000 followers. Of course, we know this is an outdated way of thinking about things because the real value is in the influencer’s engagement rate. However, the industry hasn’t fully caught up yet!
TikTok rates
Shopify says TikTok macro influencers earn $1,200–$2,500 per video, with some making up to $10,000 per video. The more engaged their audience is, the more they can bring in per video. Also, there are less active creators on TikTok compared to Instagram, so there are less to choose from.
Comparison: macro influencers versus other influencers
Macro influencers are a powerful group. They have enough followers to be appealing to most brands, but not enough to have outrageous celebrity prices.
Macro versus micro influencers
The primary difference between macro and micro influencers is follower count. Micro influencers have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers, and macro influencers have between 500,000 and one million. Mid-tier influencers separate them, landing right in the middle.
Micro influencers are typically either new to influencing or focus on a specific niche. If they're new, their follower count will grow and propel them into the next influencer category. Likewise, macro influencers often concentrate on a popular niche like fitness, health, or sports.
Mid tier influencers versus macro influencers
Mid-tier influencers is a tier that’s often forgotten or even skipped over. But we think they deserve their own name! These content creators have 50,000 to 500,000 followers and are sandwiches between macro and micro influencers.
Macro influencers earn their main incomes from social media, and micro-influencers are getting there. You can think of mid-tier as the stepping stone to becoming a full-time influencer! They often participate in brand partnerships, and might even have long-term contracts.
Macro influencers versus mega (celebrity) influencers
Macro influencers are the gateway to mega influencers. They may get recognized publicly from time to time, but haven’t achieved celebrity status yet. While celebrity influencers can be difficult to reach, macro creators are eager for large brand deals that will elevate them to the coveted one million+ follower count.
Both macro and mega influencers are considered experts in their field. You can often find them speaking on podcasts and doing interviews on media channels. They often have a small team who help create their content, collaborate with brands, and publicize their content.
Examples of macro influencers on social media
Here are a few examples of macro social media influencers:
Dennis Prescott - Chef and TV Host
Kiki - Travel Blogger
Jessi Malay - Family and self-care
How to partner with macro influencers
The majority of macro influencers work exclusively with agencies and platforms. It's easier for them because the third-parties help vet brands and negotiate deals. This means that you’ll have to hire an agency or sign up for a platform for your collaboration with macro creators.