Birds go to Alternating Currents in Davenport
Since 1977, Downtown Davenport Partnership has represented the original business improvement district in Iowa. Today, ‘DDP’ oversees over 250 businesses and 1,700+ residential units in Downtown Davenport. Selected hummingbirds attended DDP’s Alternating Currents Festival and shared about their experience on Instagram!
about Downtown Davenport Partnership
While they’re champions for the whole Davenport downtown and adjacent neighborhoods, Downtown Davenport Partnership’s primary focus is to manage two Self-Supporting Municipal Improvement Districts called SSMID Districts. These districts are the cultural, creative and economic epicenter for the Quad Cities and span roughly 52 square blocks.
In August 2023, they hosted the 6th annual Alternating Currents; a music, film, art and comedy festival in the heart of Downtown Davenport. Multiple venues in Bettendorf, Davenport and Rock Island participated including breweries, restaurants, museums, food trucks, and more! The festival is so popular that they have an app to help navigate the schedules and location.
campaign perk
Hummingbirds received a swag bag filled with festival goodies.
Downtown Davenport campaign results
The hummingbirds had a blast at the festival! Many commented how they truly felt a sense of community and pride for their city. Others couldn’t believe that they had never attended the event before and couldn’t wait to return with their friends the next year. Some birds even commented that they ran out of time to visit all the storefronts they wanted, but will return to check them out soon!
Downtown Davenport Partnership not only brought locals into their downtown, they reinvigorated their love for their city and all of the amazing brands located there.
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Hummingbirds can drive meaningful growth for events like Alternating Currents, experiences like Climb Iowa, products like Lola’s Fine Hot Sauce, and services like Chapter Aesthetic! Book a call to learn how Hummingbirds can help you reach today’s consumers.